.. / Contribute


Each proprietary property is defined in a file in the _properties/ folder named as <property name>.md, such file consists only of a YAML front matter which describes the binary and its clients.

The full syntax is the following:

description: Description of the property.
example: Code of the example.
- URL of reference.
type: Property value data type as specified in https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5545#page-30.
    - description: Description of how the client handles this property.

Where CLIENT is one of the values described in the _data/clients.yml file.

Feel free to use any file in the _properties/ folder as an example.

Pull request process

Properietary properties are accepted as well as non-standard implementations of standard properties. Any limitations or quirks shall be noted in the description field.

Before sending a pull request of a new property or client, ensure that the property is implemented as described in the client.

Pull requests adding new clients in _data/clients.yml are allowed and subjected to project maintainers vetting.